Career Counselling

At Cabana Talks

Our highly qualified counsellors and therapists can offer life coaching as a stand-alone service or in addition to evidence-based counselling.

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Grief Counselling

At Cabana Talks

Grief can seriously interfere with our day-to-day function, and take a heavy toll on your relationships, career, and ability to enjoy life if left unattended. In some cases, intense grief leads to anxiety and may also co-occur with depression.

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Cabana Talks
People suffer from diverse issues with nobody to confide in. Even when confidants are at reach. Do they have the necessary skills to help navigate through the challenges? Can they help YOU rediscover joy and emotional freedom?
Restoring Your Confidence
Our highly qualified counsellors and therapists can offer life coaching as a stand-alone service or in addition to evidence-based counselling.
Life Balance
Grief can seriously interfere with our day-to-day function, and take a heavy toll on your relationships, career, and ability to enjoy life if left unattended. In some cases, intense grief leads to anxiety and may also co-occur with depression.

Our Inspiration

Helping people live a balanced and happy life is what inspires us. Seeing people laugh in-spite of various life challenges is our driving force.

Creating a safe haven of trust that is void of stigmatization is what we want to achieve with Cabana Talks. We believe everybody should have easy access to a professional psychologist at a very affordable rate.
Our clients are assured 100% confidentiality at all time.

Simple Process

How It Works?

Step 1:

Call 013106111 or fill our online form to book your session.

Step 2:

Pay for your session on the payment page you are redirected  or payment link sent to you by SMS or WhatsApp.

Step 3:

Our App will conference you with a counselor that fits your case at no telephone cost to you.

Step 4:

Our App will manage the time and record the session.

Step 5:

Upon completing the session, you may book a new session, and you have the option to request the counselor of your choice.

Step 6:

You may be referred to another counselor within Cabana Talks or get an appointment for a physical meeting if the case demands we do so.

Questions patients ask

General Questions

Here is a list of frequently asked questions by clients & patients.

Tell me about Cabana Talks?

Cabana Talks is a telephone therapy (counselling) service. We want Nigerians to have easy and affordable access to psychologists (referred to as counsellors) without fear of stigmatization.

Who can use Cabana Talks?

Cabana Talks can be used by anybody who has a phone (even if it is a dummy phone), but it MUST BE of the legal age of 18 years and above. Those below the age of 18 years must have their session booked by their parents or guardian and be supervised during the session. You also CAN NOT use our services if you are in an urgent or emergency situation.

How do I make payment for sessions?

Upon successful completion of your booking, you will be redirected to a secured Paystack page or a payment link will be sent to you by SMS or WhatsApp. Click on the link, and it will take you to a secure Paystack payment page where you can pay with your debit card, credit card, or many other options available on Paystack.

Is there a limit to how I use Cabana Talks?

There are no limits to your use of cabana Talks. Your needs determine your usage and this differs from one person to another. While you feel you need few sessions to resolve your issues, other people may prefer to keep rebooking sessions and get value from our service for an extended period of time.

Sometimes, the counsellor may advise you to get more sessions to resolve your challenges.

Book Your Sessions!

Treating a mental health issue is not the only reason to see a psychologist, neither is struggling with something the default yardstick.

Our emotional well-being affect all aspect of our lives, a little unbottling, a little help from a trusted professional can help us  rediscover happiness and true fulfillment.
